
Dr. Supanit Porntheeraphat

Senior Researcher


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Roles and Responsibilities

New Functional Material Research Lab. and Supported TMEC's Sensors


Research Interests

Inorganic/organic new functional materials and devices fabrication, Nanocrystal material, Lab-on-chip fabrication, Optics and Photonics Sensors, Material Characterizations


Selected Publications

N. Kietpaisalsophon, W. Bunjongpru, W. Techitdheera, and J. Nukeaw, “Photoreflectance Study of AlN Thin Films Grown by Reactive Gas-Timing RF Magnetron Sputtering”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 16, No. 28&29, pp. 4418-4422, Nov. 20, 2002.

Annop Klamchuen, Nisaporn Pornteeraphat, and Jiti Nukeaw, “Characterization of ITO thin films on PET substrates prepared by gas-timing RF magnetron sputtering”, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Vol. 3, pp. 272-275, 2005.

A. Sungthong, S. Porntheeraphat, A. Poyai, and J. Nukeaw, “An extreme change in structural and optical properties of indium oxynitride deposited by reactive gas-timing RF magnetron sputtering”, Applied Surface Science 254 (2008) 7950-7954.

S. Porntheeraphat, J. Nukeaw, “Photomodulated reflectance study on optical property of InN thin films grown by reactive gas-timing rf magnetron sputtering”, Applied Surface Science 254 (2008) 7851–7854.

J. T-Thienprasert, J. Nukeaw, A. Sungthong, S. Porntheeraphat, S. Singkarat, D. Onkaw, S. Rujirawat, and S. Limpijumnong, “Local structure of indium oxynitride from x-ray absorption spectroscopy”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93, 051903 2008.

W. Bunjongpru, S. Porntheeraphat, N. Somwang, P. Khomdet, C. Hruanun1,e, A. Poyai1,f and J. Nukeaw, “Oxygen Control on Nanocrystal-AlON Films by Reactive Gas-Timing Technique R.F. Magnetron Sputtering and Annealing Effect”, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 55-57 (2008), pp 573-576.

Patent applications:

U.S. Patents:
1. “Gas-timing Method for Depositing Oxynitride Films by Reactive RF Magnetron Sputtering”, Jiti Nukeaw, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Surachart Kamoldilok, Apichart Sungthong, Submitted No. 11/878270.

2.“Nanocrystal Indium Oxynitride Thin Films Optical Filter”, Jiti Nukeaw, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Apichart Sungthong, Submitted No. 11/826162.

Thai Patents:
1. “Indium Nitride Photodetector”, Jiti Nukeaw, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Benchapol Tunhoo, Submitted No. 098819.

2. “Indium Tin Oxide Transparent Electrode on Plastic”, Jiti Nukeaw, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Kajpunya Suwansukho, Annop Klumcheun, Submitted No. 095890.

3. “Nanocrystal Indium Oxynitride Thin Film Optical Filter”, Jiti Nukeaw, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Submitted No. 0701004000.

4. “Gas-timing Method for Depositing Oxynitride Films by Reactive RF Magnetron Sputtering”, Jiti Nukeaw, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Surachart Kamoldilok, Apichart Sunthong, Submitted No. 0701004105.

5. “Preparation of Indium Tin Oxynitride Films and Applied to Conductive Optical Filter”, Jiti Nukeaw, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Don Klaitubtim, Siraphat Pratontep, Submitted No. 0701004105.


Post on 2009-06-11 | View 19794



Oxygen Control on Nanocrystal-AlON Films by Reactive Gas-Timing Technique R.F. Magnetron Sputtering and Annealing Eff

Post on 2009-06-14



The AlON films grown on Si(100) substrates by using radio frequency (r.f.) magnetron sputtering from high purity aluminum (99.999% Al) target with a novel reactive gas-timing techn...







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